Bikram Express 60 minutes
The same postures as traditional Bikram, holding the postures for a shorter amount of time and flowing some postures together. A few postures are only performed once while most we still perform twice before moving on to the next posture. HEATED
Power Flow 60 minutes
This is a faster paced Vinyasa Flow, focused on energizing the body through Sun Salutations at the beginning of every class. Building strength through Chatarunga and enhancing over all flexibility and focus. Modifications always offered for lighter holding. NOT HEATED
Yogalates 60 minutes
A fun fusion of yoga and pilates, a gentler flow of postures focusing on technique and core strength. All levels are welcome and a great class to strengthen the body and work on precision of technique. NOT HEATED
Pyro Pilates 60 minutes
This class is focused on deep core strengthening along with cardiovascular training through HIIT for an intense, fun workout that increases stamina, flexibility and quality of life. HEATED